
segunda-feira, 19 de janeiro de 2015


Who said that the brain does not need exercise to stay active? If our body requires fitness forever be in order and full of provision, that his mind would be different?
The brain will also losing its production capacity over the years and, if not trained with exercises, may fail

Come exercise to work out the brain?

Disruption of routine exercises
Change the routine helps to get us out of thought patterns ever, that lead us to the autopilot. Try:

1- Use the wristwatch on the right arm

2 Walk through the house backwards

3- Dress eyes closed

4 See the hours in a mirror

5- Replace the mouse hand computer

6. Brush your teeth using both hands

7- When working, use a different route than usual

8. Insert small changes in your daily habits, turning them into challenges for your brain

9- Do some different activity with its other side of the body and stimulate your brain. If you are right handed, what about writing with the other hand
Good workout!
Drajosiane Odila

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