
terça-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2015


Some say that only three types of diseases are not psychosomatic in origin:

-Congênitas: When a person is born with a malformation or deformation.

- Environmental: When external actions are causing diseases such impacts, gauze, radiation, viruses, etc.

- Genetics: When a person receives from their parents genes related to diseases.

But in reality only a psychologist or psychiatrist can diagnose correctly if their disease has psychosomatic origin or not.

Psychosomatic illness or somatization: What is the difference?

Presence of physical symptoms but no organic disease. The cause of these symptoms is emotional. For example: In panic disorder the person has symptoms similar to organic heart attack, or intestinal problems, but the doctor does not detect any heart disease in their exams.

Psychosomatic Illness:

Presence of clinical abnormalities detectable by laboratory tests, that is, the person's body has physical damage. It is an organic disease, but with psychological cause. In strong emotional stress situations the body reacts as if "stating" that something is not right.

Some examples:

Skin - irritation, allergies, itching, redness.

Stomach - indigestion, nausea, vomiting, heartburn.

Intestine - diarrhea.

Throat - irritation, coughing, shortness of breath, pain and inflammation.

Immune system - influenza, herpes, etc.

Head - pain, migraine.

Mind Power?
What psychology and psychotherapy process shows us is that the mind can produce something bad may also have the ability to reverse. Some call it mental power, but it is not esoteric nothing but just that we all have the ability to influence our body, and since you do it involuntarily that such learning to "dominate" their physical and mental health?

Always count a psychologist to accompany you in this process.
Josiane Odila Dos Santos / psychotherapist

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